preparate le valigie... SI VA A TROGIR!!!
dopo oltre un mese di ricerche forse ce l'abbiamo fatta. ecco un breve riassunto delle tre mail che la simpatica Dijana mi ha spedito ieri.
a sto punto domani scatta la caparra.
---------- Initial Header -----------
From : "Dijana Sinovcic"
To : ""
Cc :
Date : Sat, 5 Aug 2006 16:58:57 +0100 (BST)
Subject : Re: Final Confirmation
> Hi
> I am sorry not to answer you so fast on your mails but I am pretty busy at the moment and I also have a big problem with internet conection in my house so I have to go to internet cafe
> Anyway, about the apartment. Unfortunatily there is no interenet site of this apartment.
It belongs to an older lady who doesn't know much about internet and I had no time to help her with that.
But I can promise you the aparmtents are nice decorated and clean. If you hate them you can take my room ; )
(da notare la sarda telematica...del resto si sa...quando c'è il fascino...!!!)
> Distance to the sea is some 200 to 300 m, this is the distance to few different beaches.
> House is situated in the place called Seget Vranjica.
> All the bedrooms are double..
> This apartment is situated 4, 5 km from Trogir on the little "village" by the sea.
> Greets from very warm Trogir
> Dijana